This is the official blog of Northern Arizona slam poet Christopher Fox Graham. Begun in 2002, and transferred to blogspot in 2006, FoxTheBlog has recorded more than 1.6 million views since 2009. This blog cover's Graham's poetry, the Arizona poetry slam community and offers tips for slam poets from sources around the Internet. Read CFG's full biography here. Looking for just that one poem? You know the one ... click here to find it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

FlagSlam Poetry Slam, round two

Total Scores

Slam Nahuatl, Richmond, Va.1114.3
Louder ARTS, Union Square, Manhattan, N.Y.2112.8
Seattle Poetry Slam, Seattle, Wash.3109.1
FlagSlam, Flagstaff, Ariz.4107
Rotation: 1
Team Performer Group Score
Seattle Poetry Slam Roma Raye 27.30
FlagSlam Ryan Brown:
Slam Nahuatl Group 27.60
Louder ARTS Catalina Ferro 26.80
Rotation: 2
Team Performer Group Score
Slam Nahuatl Rob Gibson 29.00
Seattle Poetry Slam Rose McAleese 26.50
Louder ARTS Group 29.00
FlagSlam Christopher Fox Graham & Tara Pollock:
"Dust (In the Corners of this Room)
Group 25.80
Rotation: 3
Team Performer Group Score
Seattle Poetry Slam Amber Flame 27.00
Louder ARTS Jamaal VS May 27.80
Slam Nahuatl Group 29.60
FlagSlam Jackson Morris:
"Education in America"
Rotation: 4
Team Performer Group Score
FlagSlam Nodalone:
Louder ARTS Megan Falley 29.20
Seattle Poetry Slam Sara Brickman 28.30
Slam Nahuatl Group 28.10

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