This is the official blog of Northern Arizona slam poet Christopher Fox Graham. Begun in 2002, and transferred to blogspot in 2006, FoxTheBlog has recorded more than 1.6 million views since 2009. This blog cover's Graham's poetry, the Arizona poetry slam community and offers tips for slam poets from sources around the Internet. Read CFG's full biography here. Looking for just that one poem? You know the one ... click here to find it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

“The New Horizon” by Christopher Fox Graham

“The New Horizon”
by Christopher Fox Graham

amid the infinite dark
400 billion points of light burn —
93 million miles from one unremarkably ordinary star,
the first snap-crack of amino acids
move and grow, 
seeking something beyond 
the first horizon 
of its salt pond tide pool

the drive to expand, experience, explore
written at inception into RNA
the hero’s journey inscribed in all cells since
we’re here, now, because “here” wasn’t enough

our ancestors sought what’s over next horizon
the first fish to set foot on land 
the first therapsid to walk upright
the first mammal to emerge in the shadow of the last dinosaur
the first primate to step onto the savannah
the first human family to leave the only tribe 
to start a new one
the first caravan to cross the desert
the first ship to leave the safety of shore
the first astronaut to lose sight of the Earth
beyond the edge of the dark side of the Moon
mystery, adventure, fate, fortune and future
are always over the hopeful horizon 

"Earthrise," taken on Dec. 24, 1968, by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders

this here, this sphere of home, 
this pale blue dot suspended in a sunbeam
is all we know, every human being who ever was, 
every hunter, forager, peasant, king, inventor, explorer, 
"superstar", "supreme leader," hero, coward, 
dreamer, destroyer, saint, sinner, genocide and miracle
every mother and father, broken heart and forever love story,
every living thing 
from that first cell
to your hopeful child
is here, 
on this grain of sand in the dark
the breadth of my palm from our singular sun

"The Pale Blue Dot"

but out there are more worlds with unseen horizons
so we peer into the dark
unafraid of what we may find 
cast out our messages in bottles
to send photos of the spheres 
and their untouched horizons back home
so we can wonder at their beauty

but out along the edge
beyond our brother Mars,
the great Jupiter 
and ringed Saturn
fraternal twins Neptune and Uranus
is the ninth horizon
discovered by a Kanas boy 
who called Flagstaff home

Clyde Tombaugh [Feb. 4, 1906-Jan. 17, 1997]

this far out, the sun that made life possible here
is a point of light,
but barely much more
though it holds Pluto in orbit like a prodigal son

sent New Horizons to see Clyde Tombaugh’s discovery —
we sent a piece of him, too

his ashes in a capsule 
no bigger 
than a thumb

132524 APL (2002 JF56)

it waved hello to asteroid 132524 APL,
swam through the swirling orbits of Jupiter’s 95 moons

like a sober freshman navigating a nightclub dance floor
with a sweaty fake ID, 
hoping not to be noticed,
popping paparazzi photos of Io, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa

Galilean moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto

then, hooked by the weight, 
turned left, passing the orbits of the outer planets
to the final horizon
to this 
mote of dust

New Horizons passes through the Pluto system at about 30,800 mph, passing within 40,000 miles of Pluto on Monday, July 13, 2015.

in the blink of an eye
Robin Hood could loose an arrow into a bullseye
and send a second
to split the first at a 100 paces
but teams of technicians on earth
could split the orbit
of Pluto and Charon
at 30,000 miles per hour
from 2 billion miles away 
closer than Nix, Kerberos, Hydra and Styx
had ever been

We named everything — 

maculae after the gods of death who rule permanent horizons 
Cadejo, Meng Po and Morgoth

fluctus after those who journeyed to the underworlds 
of a dozen mythologies,
Mpobe, Dioynsus, Xanthius

plains after satellites 
Sputnik, Rosetta, and Ranger, Chandrayaan, Hiten and Yutu 
who broke the bonds of earth,

for the dreamers uncontent to be held back by the old horizons
we named the hills and mountains 
Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay, 
Zheng He, Bessie Coleman, Muhammad al-Idrisi, Junko Tabei, 
Juan Sebastián Elcano, Thor Heyerdahl and the Wright brothers

craters and regions after those who stared into the abyss
Percival Lowell, Viktor Safronov, Michael Belton

free from nationality, all sharing a singular horizon

we saved the welcoming heart 
for Tombaugh
the boy whose heart kept New Horizons warm in the dark
warm, and fundamentally human

because “here” was never enough
beyond Pluto
we sought one last horizon at Arrokoth 
the Ultima Thule on our map

Arrokoth, informally known as Ulitma Thule.

now 4.6 billion miles from a lost horizon
it will never see again
is our message in a bottle
proof that “here” is never enough
for a cell or a species
that our New Horizons are infinite

Departure shot of Pluto by New Horizons, showing Pluto's atmosphere backlit by the Sun. consists mainly of nitrogen, with minor amounts of methane and carbon monoxide. The blue color is close to what a human eye would have seen, and is caused by layers of haze in the atmosphere 


"Earthrise" was taken on Dec. 24, 1968, by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders at 16:39:39.3 UTC. The Apollo 8 crew consisted of Anders, Frank Borman and James Lovell. Using photo mosaics and elevation data from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, this video commemorates the 45th anniversary of Apollo 8's historic flight by recreating the moment when the crew first saw and photographed the Earth rising from behind the Moon. Narrator Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man on the Moon, sets the scene for a three-minute visualization of the view from both inside and outside the spacecraft accompanied by the onboard audio of the astronauts:

Anders used a highly modified Hasselblad 500 EL camera with an electric drive. The camera had a simple sighting ring, rather than the standard reflex viewfinder, and was loaded with a 70 mm film magazine containing custom Ektachrome film developed by Kodak. Anders had been photographing the lunar surface with a 250 mm lens; the lens was subsequently used for the Earthrise images. While the image is best known with the moon horizon on the bottom of the image and the Earth rising above, it was actually shot as it appears here, in line with the lunar north pole. It was later rotated 95 degrees to place the moon horizon at the bottom of the photo.

"The Pale Blue Dot" is a photograph of Earth taken Feb. 14, 1990, by NASA’s Voyager 1 at a distance of 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) from the Sun. The image inspired the title of scientist Carl Sagan's book, "Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space," in which he wrote: "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every 'superstar,' every 'supreme leader,' every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam," which is sampled and paraphrased in the poem.

132524 APL (2002 JF56): The two "spots" in this image are two images of asteroid 132524 APL (2002 JF56) taken on June 11, bottom, at a distance of 3.36 million kilometers, and June 12, 2006, the top, taken at 1.34 million kilometers. The asteroid is about 2.5 kilometers in diameter.

Galilean Moons: The montage of Jupiter's four large and diverse Galilean satellites as seen by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager on the New Horizons spacecraft during its flyby of Jupiter in late February 2007. The four moons are, from left to right: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. The images have been scaled to represent the true relative sizes of the four moons and are arranged in their order from Jupiter.

Robin Hood: If the 4.8 billion-kilometer distance to Pluto when New Horizons passed through was reduced to 100 paces (200 to 400 feet depending on stride, or ~100 yards, i.e., the length of a football field), the 40,000-mile (64,373 km) distance between Pluto and New Horizons when it passed within 40,000 miles would be 1.22 millimeters. On that scale, the 2.7-meter New Horizons probe would be 2 nanometers, smaller than the diameter of a strand of DNA.

486958 Arrokoth: (2014 MU69) or Ultima Thule is a trans-Neptunian Kuiper belt object. Arrokoth became the farthest and most primitive object in the Solar System visited by a spacecraft whenNew Horizons conducted a flyby on Jan. 1, 2019. It is made of two lobes, a smaller "walnut" and a larger "pancake." The two conjoined lobes indicate Arrokoth used to be two separate bodies that stuck together after a gentle, slow-speed collision. The Latin "Ultima Thule" means "farthest Thule," a semi-mythical place in Greek and Roman mythology located in the far north, usually an island, possibly Iceland, the British Isles, the Shetland Isles or the Orkney Islands.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Sedona Poetry Slam at Mary D. Fisher Theatre on Saturday, March 15


The Sedona Poetry Slam proudly poets to the stage on Saturday, March 15, as performance poets bringing high-energy, competitive spoken word to the Mary D. Fisher Theatre starting at 7:30 p.m.

A poetry slam is like a series of high-energy, three-minute one-person plays, judged by the audience. Slam poetry is an art form that allows written page poets to share their work alongside theatrical performers, hip-hop artists and lyricists. Poets come from as far away as Phoenix, Tucson, Prescott and Flagstaff, competing against local poets from Sedona and Cottonwood, college poets from Northern Arizona University and youth poets from Verde Valley high schools. All types of poetry are welcome on the stage, from street-wise hip-hop and narrative performance poems, to political rants and introspective confessionals. Any poem is a "slam" poem if performed in a competition. All poets get three minutes per round to entertain and inspire the audience with their creativity.

Open Slam

Anyone can sign up to compete in the slam for the $75 grand prize and $25 second-place prize. To compete in the slam, poets will need three original poems, each lasting no longer than three minutes. No props, costumes nor musical accompaniment are permitted. The poets are judged Olympics-style by five members of the audience selected at random at the beginning of the slam.

Email to sign up early to compete or by the Friday before the slam or at the door the day of the slam. Poets who want to compete should purchase a ticket in case the roster is filled before they arrive.

The Mary D. Fisher Theatre is located at 2030 W. SR 89A, Suite A-3, in West Sedona. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. For tickets, call 282-1177 or visit

The next poetry slams will be on Saturdays, April 5, May 3 and finally on May 31.

The prize money is funded in part by a donation from Verde Valley poetry supporters Jeanne and Jim Freeland.

For more information, visit or

For a full list of slam poetry events in Arizona, visit

What is Poetry Slam?

Founded at the Green Mill Tavern in Chicago in 1984 by Marc Smith, poetry slam is a competitive artistic sport designed to get people who would otherwise never go to a poetry reading excited about the art form when it becomes a high-energy competition. Poetry slams are judged by five randomly chosen members of the audience who assign numerical value to individual poets' contents and performances.

Poetry slam has become an international artistic sport, with more than 100 major poetry slams in the United States, Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Slam poets have opened at the Winter Olympics, performed at the White House and at the United Nations General Assembly and were featured on "Russell Simmons' Def Poets" on HBO.

Sedona has sent four-poet teams to represent the city at the National Poetry Slam in Charlotte, N.C., Boston, Cambridge, Mass., Oakland, Calif., Decatur, Ga., Denver and Chicago. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

“The Most Human” (with sincere apologies to Adam Nimoy)

I performed two poems at Lowell Observatory's annual I ❤ Pluto Festival Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Orpheum Theatre. The featured guests were Adam Nimoy, a television director and son of the late actor Leonard Nimoy; Alan Stern, Ph.D., Principal Investigator of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto; comet-hunter David Levy, who co-discovered Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (D/1993 F2) with Flagstaff scientists Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker.

This was the second of the two poems I wrote for the event. Adam Nimoy gave me standing ovation as I left the stage. I'm so glad he enjoyed this poem about his dad.

“The Most Human”
(with sincere apologies to Adam Nimoy)
by Christopher Fox Graham

“Space: the final frontier”
urged us to look beyond this earth
to trek across the stars
to contemplate what’s beyond the event horizon
of Doomsday Machine black holes
wonder, awestruck at the Menagerie
of metronomic pulsars
of sapphire-amethyst nebulae
stretching across light years 
to go where no man has gone before

Mercury, Gemini and Apollo brought men
to the edge of space and beyond
but before Armstrong set foot on the moon
we were already among the stars
as silent passengers aboard our 

This model of the starship Enterprise was used in the original 1966-1969 "Star Trek" TV show, donated to the National Air and Space Museum in 1974.

to shorten impossible distances,
we warped space itself
for the sake of plot 
and beamed down to worlds
we will never reach
never see in our lifetime
on this side of the screen

the Red Scare
Japanese Internment camps
and Segregation weren’t yesterdays
but ancient history
sins forgiven, but never forgotten
the Enemy Within, a Balance of Terror
between human nature and our better angels
we Let That past Be Our Last Battlefield
understanding "without followers, evil cannot spread" 
and formed a United Federation
of planets and crew

the future was now
and now was history, 
Pavel Chekov navigated the course
Hikaru Sulu helmed the ship
Nyota Uhura spoke unsilenced for them all
Montgomery Scott could work miracles down below
amid redshirts 
who deaths were never statistics
but revelations that danger
hides amid the stars

we could remain safe here
trapped on This Side of Paradise
in All Our Yesterdays 
but this fragile starship Earth,
is a City on the Edge of Forever,
and the Devil is in the Dark
so we go boldly 
to seek strange new worlds,
new life and new civilizations

ethos, pathos, logos commanding in trinity
James Kirk the spirit,
Bones McCoy the heart 
and Spock the mind

Crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 in 2266: Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery "Scotty" Scott [James Doohan], Ensign Pavel Chekov [Walter Koenig], Lt. Cmdr./Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy [DeForest Kelley], nurse Christine Chapel [Majel Barrett], Captain James T. Kirk [William Shatner], Lt. Nyota Uhura [Nichelle Nichols], Cmdr. Spock [Leonard Nimoy] and Lt. Hikaru Sulu [George Takei], from left

passion and compassion
can’t survive long 
with death outside the bulkheads
only cold Vulcan logic could rationalize 
that the needs of the many 
outweigh the needs of the few
or the one

Spock was too human to be Vulcan,
and too Vulcan to be human,
a exile son of two worlds
fully from neither
fully from both

Photo from "Star Trek: Spock's Entire Prime Universe Timeline,Explained" ScreenRant

with pointed ears that marked him as “other,”
Spock mirrored us to ourselves
wondered what made us human
questioned what we took for granted
pushed against illogical behaviors
we accept without question
“logic is the beginning of wisdom, 
not the end”

the old Vulcan proverb says
“only Nixon could go to China”
and only Leonard Nimoy could be Spock

Mr. Nimoy,
you, too, were of two worlds
an exile son of the old 
but a citizen of the new
fully from neither 
but fully from both

your grandfather, the adventurer, 
left behind the ghosts of the old nations
came to this America, 
the mother of exiles
this safe shore for the tempest-tossed

your parents fled a shtetl in Russia
to escape pogroms and Cossack raids
your father, walking across the border to Poland
your mother, smuggled out in a hay wagon

you were born in Boston’s West End, 
speaking Yiddish with your grandmother
keeping Kosher in a city of gentiles
with rough accents and strange customs
but a sky full of the same stars

they arrived as aliens, 
and became citizens
you went to Hollywood 
and became an alien
a bridge between past and present
telling tales from the future
not burdened by history
not bound to earth

you forged Spock, 
making him more you than Roddenberry
maintaining character between shoots
the voice of reason
emotions restrained
logical, rational, distant from the chaos

you transformed a priestly blessing from synagogue
into the Vulcan salute
mainstreaming a childhood memory 
of your orthodox upbringing
into the American melting pot 
“Live Long and Prosper” a shibboleth
so we nerds and fans 
Trekkies and Trekkers,
may know each other by it

you, Mr. Nimoy as Mr. Spock,
became a symbol for NASA and astronomers
who wore pointed ears to Star Trek conventions 
after weeks studying the cosmos

when Spock fell at the Battle of the Mutara Nebula
his death shook two galaxies
sacrificing himself to save the ship and the crew
dying as he lived
his final words:
“I have been... 
and always shall be... 
your friend”
said to Kirk, but meant for all of us
you and Spock speaking as one

and you are our friend, Mr. Nimoy,
even if only met through the screen

Hollywood cast and Starfleet crew
brought Spock back,
McCoy lost his mind holding your katra
Kirk lost his son, his ship, his command
the crew destroyed a planet
destroyed the Enterprise

“Because the needs of the one... “
“outweigh the needs of the many”
and your fascinating story was not yet over
neither in time 
nor in timeline
true friendship transcends death

The cast on the set of "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country," in 1991, the last film where the original crew appeared as a group.

your final words, off screen, Mr. Nimoy,
were your blessing, LLAP
“Live Long and Prosper”
fully human, fully Vulcan

even at the end
you gave yourself,
to give us Spock

You did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, 
and we will not debate your profound wisdom at these proceedings 
Of our friend
We can only say this: 
Of all the souls we have encountered in our travels, 
yours was the most ... 

"765874" by OTOY
(It's best to just watch this four-part series and not ask any questions about how they were made until you finish, if at all. Just accept these pieces as they are, as high art, as filmmaking, as storytelling, then watch them and walk away satisfied.
If you are curious about how and why they were made, and the tremendous work and love that went into them, the story is amazing)
 "765874 - Memory Wall" by OTOY
 "765874 - Regeneration" by OTOY
 "765874 - Unification" by OTOY 
Kirk and Spock get the final goodbye they never had on screen.

Lowell Observatory honored me with an asteroid: 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23) after the I ❤ Pluto Festival

My friend, Kevin Schindler, presenting me with the map of the orbit of asteroid 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23) on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025. Kevin first invited me to perform at I ❤ Pluto Festival in 2023, then again in 2024. This year, he told me Alan Stern, Ph.D. from the New Horizons mission to Pluto, and Adam Nimoy were going to be the guests and asked if I wanted to write two poems, so I wrote two new pieces "The New Horizons" and "The Most Human," which I debuted at the festival. (Note Kevin's custom Pluto tie).

Arizona State Rep. Justin Wilmeth [District 2], Astronomy magazine editor-in-chief David Eicher, comet hunter David Levy and Christopher Fox Graham at Lowell Observatory with the map of the orbit of asteroid 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23) on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025.
I performed two poems at Lowell Observatory's annual I ❤ Pluto Festival last night at the Orpheum Theatre. 

The featured guests were Adam Nimoy, a television director and son of the late actor Leonard Nimoy; Alan Stern, Ph.D., Principal Investigator of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto; comet-hunter David Levy, who co-discovered Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (D/1993 F2) with Flagstaff scientists Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 famously broke apart in July 1992 and its pieces slammed into Jupiter in July 1994, the first collision of two of extraterrestrial Solar System objects that was direct observable.

Adam Nimoy speaking about his father, Leonard Nimoy and his new book, "The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy."

Adam Nimoy, David Levy, Alan Stern, Ph.D., and David Eicher, from left, on stage at the Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff.
Alan Stern, Ph.D., answering an audience question about the New Horizons mission to Pluto.

Nimoy, Stern and Levy participated in a discussion on how scientific exploration inspires humanity moderated by David Eicher, editor-in-chief of Astronomy magazine.

Adam Nimoy and Christopher Fox Graham after I ❤ Pluto Festival giving the Vulcan Salute

Alan Stern and Christopher Fox Graham after I ❤ Pluto Festival giving the Pluto Salute

After the event, a number of us -- Nimoy, Levy, Eicher, my good friend Lowell Observatory Historian and Public Information Officer Kevin Schindler, Chief Marketing Officer Cody Half-Moon and Arizona State Rep. Justin Wilmeth [District 2], who wrote the bill the named Pluto as Arizona's Official State Planet in 2024 -- headed over Lowell Observatory's Giovale Open Deck Observatory to look through telescopes at Mars, Jupiter, the Moon and the Orion Nebula. The staff stayed after hours to keep the GODO in place so we could use the telescopes.

Giovale Open Deck Observatory

Afterward, as Levy, Eicher, Wilmeth and I were walking back to the parking lot, Kevin said he had a gift for me ...
... an asteroid!

29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23)
According to the description:
"29722 Chrisgraham" was discovered Jan. 14, 1999, by LONEOS at Anderson Mesa. Christopher Fox Graham (b. 1979) is an American journalist and longtime managing editor of Sedona Red Rock News. He is a nationally-recognized slam poet who has written and performed multiple poems about Pluto and other space themes."

It's 4 to 5 kilometers in diameter, orbiting the sun in just over 1,552 days, or 4.249 years.

Current location of asteroid 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23)

It has an inclination of 14.70 degrees from the ecliptic:

Asteroid 29722 Chrisgraham (1999 AQ23) is off the ecliptic by 14.70 degrees

And an orbital eccentricity of 0.123 (0 being a perfect circle, 1 being a parabola; e.g., Earth has an eccentricity of 0.016709 while Halley's comet has an eccentricity of 0.96658):

Huge thanks to Larry Wasserman, Ph.D., the longtime Lowell Observatory astronomer who maintains the Asteroid Orbital Elements Database and sends nominations for asteroid names to the International Astronomical Union.

Special thanks to Kevin Schindler (obviously) and Justin Wilmeth, David Levy and David Eicher for being part of our impromptu celebration.

Osculating Orbital Elements

Epoch 2460800.5 (2025-May-05.0) TDB
Reference: JPL 57 (heliocentric IAU76/J2000 ecliptic)
ElementValueUncertainty (1-sigma)Units

Huge thanks to Kevin and his team at Lowell Observatory who run an amazing event: Chief Marketing Officer Cody Half-Moon, Marketing Operations Coordinator Heather Craig, Communication Designer Alex Elbert, Brand Manager Sarah Gilbert and Content Writer Madison Mooney, as well as Lowell Observatory Operations Manager Amanda Bosh, Ph.D., who manages the observatory and the staff. She and Kevin are great at making the I ❤ Pluto Festival more than just an astronomy event by incorporating the community, bringing in local officials, glass-blower George Averbeck to create ornaments for the speakers, Mother Road Brewing Company founder Michael Marquess to brew a special beer every year and a poet to perform poems about Pluto and space.

Backstage in the green room at the Orpheum Theater with David Eicher, David Levy, Adam Nimoy, Kevin Schindler (standing) and Alan Stern, Ph.D., from left. Arizona State Rep. Justin Wilmeth [District 2] is reflected in the mirror.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I'm performing at the I Heart Pluto Festival, whose keynote speakers are Adam Nimoy, Dr. Alan Stern and David Levy

On Feb. 15, 2025, Lowell Observatory and the Orpheum Theater will present A Night of Discovery, commemorating the 95th anniversary of Clyde Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto and the 10th anniversary of the New Horizons mission to explore this icy world. This is the keynote event of the 6th annual I Heart Pluto Festival, with the theme “To Boldly go Beyond New Horizons.”

Adam Nimoy, left, sporting “Spock ears” with his father, Leonard Nimoy. Photo by Adam Nimoy

The evening will feature an exclusive conversation with distinguished guests Adam Nimoy, a television director and son of the late actor Leonard Nimoy.

Adam Nimoy

Dr. Alan Stern (Principal Investigator of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto), 

Sol Alan Stern is an American engineer, planetary scientist and space tourist. He is the principal investigator of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Chief Scientist at Moon Express

and comet-hunting legend David Levy. David Eicher, Editor-in-Chief of Astronomy magazine, will moderate this discussion on how scientific exploration inspires humanity.

David Howard Levy, a Canadian amateur astronomer, science writer and discoverer of comets and minor planets, who co-discovered Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 in 1993.

Nimoy’s father starred in the iconic Star Trek television show, Stern led the New Horizons mission that revolutionized our understanding of Pluto, and Levy co-discovered — with legendary Flagstaff scientists Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker — Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which collided with Jupiter in 1994. Each of these events captured the imagination of people around the world and spurred widespread curiosity about space and its exploration.

Following this discussion, Adam Nimoy will sign copies of his new book, "The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy" and the entire panel will also sign event posters. Books and posters will be available for purchase at the Orpheum throughout the evening.

Lowell Observatory Executive Director Dr. Amanda Bosh says, “We are pleased to join the Flagstaff community in celebrating our Pluto heritage and this esteemed group of presenters will inspire our imaginations to boldly go beyond our little corner of the solar system.”

Additional presentations and events during A Night of Discovery include:

Arizona State Rep. Justin Wilmeth will discuss the bill he introduced that declared Pluto as Arizona’s official state planet in 2024.

  • Christopher Fox Graham, longtime editor of the Sedona Red Rock News and a noted slam poet, will read two poems he wrote honoring Pluto and Leonard Nimoy
  • Lowell Observatory Historian Kevin Schindler will recount the story of Clyde Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930, and how he ended up at the Orpheum on that momentous evening
  • Flagstaff Mayor Becky Daggett and Coconino County Supervisor Patrice Horstman will read proclamations celebrating this year’s I Heart Pluto Festival
  • FlagTagAZ will set up their popular axe-throwing cage just outside the Orpheum
  • Lowell Observatory’s Starry Skies Shop will offer Pluto-themed merchandise for sale
  • A Pluto-themed beer, created especially for this year’s I Heart Pluto Festival by Mother Road Brewing Company, will be available. Additional beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, as well as food will also be available for purchase throughout the evening

Doors open to the public at 6pm, with programs commencing at 7pm.

General admission tickets, as well as a VIP option that provides access to a private reception at 5pm with the presenters prior to the main program, are available at

Background of the I Heart Pluto Festival

Flagstaff is often referred to as the “Home of Pluto” due to its significant contributions to research of this icy world. These efforts include Percival Lowell’s early searches for a ninth planet, “Planet X”; Clyde Tombaugh’s discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930; Jim Christy’s detection of Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, in 1978; the first observation of Pluto’s atmosphere in 1988; early maps of Pluto’s surface; the New Horizons flyby of the Pluto system in 2015, and more. 

To celebrate this rich heritage, Lowell Observatory inaugurated the I Heart Pluto Festival in 2020. This community event is held annually on or near February 18. 

About Lowell Observatory

Founded in 1894, Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, is a prestigious nonprofit research institution renowned for its historic and groundbreaking discoveries, including the first evidence of the expanding universe and the discovery of Pluto. Today, Lowell's astronomers utilize global ground-based and space telescopes, along with NASA spacecraft, for diverse astronomical and planetary science research. The observatory hosts more than 100,000 visitors annually for educational tours, presentations, and telescope viewing through a suite of world-class public telescopes.