
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bill Campana's poem "Auto-Stigmata" made into a short film

A young lady visits a piercing parlor and gets more than she bargained for.

Directed by Matt Gismondi
Poem and Voiceover by Bill Campana
Starring David Tabor and Lauren Perry

Bill Campana features at the Sedona Poetry Slam on Saturday, April 7
In celebration of April as National Poetry Month, Sedona's Studio Live hosts a poetry slam Saturday, April 7, starting at 7:30 p.m. featuring Mesa poet Bill Campana and hosted by Sedona poet Christopher Fox Graham.

All poets are welcome to compete for the $75 grand prize and $25 second-place prize. The prize is funded in part by a donation from Verde Valley poetry supporter Jeanne Freeland.

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