
Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Loch Ness Monster vs Trolls: In Haiku

These were a series of haikus I used in a head-to-head death match against Tucson's Teresa Driver in October. Just found them.

I was assigned the Loch Ness Monster, she was assigned trolls. Enjoy.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #1
Bring it on, you trolls
come to the shore and face
my Flippers of Doom

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #2
Monster of Loch Ness
rises from the deep to feed
tourists run screaming

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #3
They say I'm hiding
I'm just biding my time
2012 is near

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #4
Trolls carry spears, swords
and have to hunt in packs.
Bite, swallow, then nap.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #5
At Moria mines,
even Hobbits fought the troll
but all flee from me

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #6
Dungeons & Dragons
has many troll editions.
But I need just one.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #7
Fear trolls at nighttime.
In daylight, walk free. At sea,
you always fear me.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #8
If troll comes for you
he must sneak in. If I come --
you can't hide. You're doomed.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #9
The troll-free Bible
names both Leviathan and
Jonah's whale. Tremble!

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #10
"Jaws" "The Abyss" and
"It Came From the Black Lagoon"
Name a troll movie.

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #11
Captain Jack Sparrow
Spent three films running from me

What film do trolls have?

Loch Ness Monster Haiku #12

The Leviathan
even made Yahweh tremble.
Bible is troll-free


  1. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?

  2. Very nice!

    I plan to include a link to your site this Friday, btw.

  3. The Loch ness Monster Explained
    A Dinosaur? a Preternatural Animal?

    Google: The Loch ness (sea) monster explained
