
Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Sedona and Community Library Sedona launches search for Sedona Poet Laureate

City of Sedona & Community Library Sedona Poet Laureate Program

The city of Sedona in collaboration with the Community Library Sedona seek poet applicants for Sedona’s first Inaugural Poet Laureate Program. One senior and one junior poet will serve as ambassadors for a two-year term to elevate education in literature by promoting an appreciation of poetry in the community, and to inspire an emerging generation of literary artists and readers within our local schools. 

This announcement reflects City Council’s desire to continue to support and expand arts and culture programming within the city.  

Both poet laureates are expected to perform the following duties throughout their appointment: 

  • Give up to four public readings per year. 
  • Compose poems for community events and ceremonial occasions as requested. 
  • Provide poetry workshops to area schools.  
  • Pursue a major literary project with an emphasis on outreach and education, in addition to community outreach projects as requested. 
  • Collaborate with other poet laureate programs in Arizona. 

The Senior Poet Laureate will receive a stipend of $2,000 for their two-year term and the Junior Poet Laureate will receive a scholarship to further their education. Both poets will receive per-diem costs for school outreach and workshops. 

The selection process 

The process will begin with a work group reviewing all applications and selecting up to five finalists. This group consists of the city of Sedona Arts and Culture Specialist Nancy Lattanzi, Executive Director Judy Poe of the Community Library Sedona and several local literary colleagues, including Rex Arrasmith, a widely published poet who spearheaded this initiative, Christopher Fox Graham, a poet who has been running the Sedona Poetry Slam for 16 years, Sedona Red Rock High School English teacher Jill Swaninger and Sedona Financial Services Director Barbara Whitehorn, whose father was apoet. 

The finalists will perform and be scored at four different consecutive events, including the Moment of Art at the City Council meeting on April 8, 2025; Mary D. Fisher Theater on April 12; the Community Library Sedona on April 16; and Tlaquepaque in late April. The two highest ranking applicants will be notified and appointed by the City Council at an upcoming City Council meeting in May. 


To be eligible for this appointment, all applicants will undergo a background check and must: 

  • Reside within the Sedona-Oak Creek School District boundaries for at least one year from the application date and must reside there for at least six months of the year. If applicants for the Senior Poet Laureate live outside the boundaries, they should demonstrate a strong connection to Sedona. 
  • Be a poet in the literary arts in the community or beyond. 
  • Be willing to make presentations throughout the Sedona area. 

The Junior Poet Laureate must meet the above requirements, as well as be a current student or recent graduate from a Sedona or Verde Valley schools, be between 16 and 20 years of age and willing to work closely with the Senior Poet Laureate. 

Sedona-Oak Creek School District boundaries

How to apply 

The deadline for nominations is March 19, 2025 by 5 p.m. To apply, send the following materials: 

  • Cover letter with name, address, phone, email and publication history. 
  • Statement describing why the nominee should be considered, why this appointment is important to the nominee, the nominee’s connection to Sedona and a brief proposal of planned initiatives and events designed to promote poetry within the community. 
  • Writing samples of the nominee’s work published or unpublished, not to exceed 10 pages. 
  • Nominee’s current resume or curriculum vitae.  

Please mail or email nomination packets to: 

Tasha Spuches, Assistant Director, Community Library Sedona
3250 White Bear Road
Sedona, AZ 86336 

More information 

For more information on the Poet Laureate Program, contact city Arts and Culture Specialist Nancy Lattanzi at 928-203-5078 or  

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sedona Poetry Slam returns on Saturday, Feb. 1

With 2024 in the rear-view mirror and 2025 underway, the Sedona Poetry Slam's 16th season, performance poets will bring high-energy, competitive spoken word to the Mary D. Fisher Theatre on Saturday, Feb 1, starting at 7:30 p.m.

A poetry slam is like a series of high-energy, three-minute one-person plays, judged by the audience. Slam poetry is an art form that allows written page poets to share their work alongside theatrical performers, hip-hop artists and lyricists. Poets come from as far away as Phoenix, Tucson, Prescott and Flagstaff, competing against local poets from Sedona and Cottonwood, college poets from Northern Arizona University and youth poets from Verde Valley high schools. All types of poetry are welcome on the stage, from street-wise hip-hop and narrative performance poems, to political rants and introspective confessionals. Any poem is a "slam" poem if performed in a competition. All poets get three minutes per round to entertain and inspire the audience with their creativity.

Open Slam

Anyone can sign up to compete in the slam for the $75 grand prize and $25 second-place prize. To compete in the slam, poets will need three original poems, each lasting no longer than three minutes. No props, costumes nor musical accompaniment are permitted. The poets are judged Olympics-style by five members of the audience selected at random at the beginning of the slam.

Email to sign up early to compete or by the Friday before the slam or at the door the day of the slam. Poets who want to compete should purchase a ticket in case the roster is filled before they arrive.

The Mary D. Fisher Theatre is located at 2030 W. SR 89A, Suite A-3, in West Sedona. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. For tickets, call 282-1177 or visit

The next poetry slams will be on Saturdays, March 15, April 5, May 3 and finally on May 31.

The prize money is funded in part by a donation from Verde Valley poetry supporters Jeanne and Jim Freeland.

For more information, visit or

For a full list of slam poetry events in Arizona, visit

What is Poetry Slam?

Founded at the Green Mill Tavern in Chicago in 1984 by Marc Smith, poetry slam is a competitive artistic sport designed to get people who would otherwise never go to a poetry reading excited about the art form when it becomes a high-energy competition. Poetry slams are judged by five randomly chosen members of the audience who assign numerical value to individual poets' contents and performances.

Poetry slam has become an international artistic sport, with more than 100 major poetry slams in the United States, Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Slam poets have opened at the Winter Olympics, performed at the White House and at the United Nations General Assembly and were featured on "Russell Simmons' Def Poets" on HBO.

Sedona has sent four-poet teams to represent the city at the National Poetry Slam in Charlotte, N.C., Boston, Cambridge, Mass., Oakland, Calif., Decatur, Ga., Denver and Chicago.